Call for Papers for Network Symposia at 2016 Annual Conference Open

Members of the Council’s Deans and Directors of Graduate Schools, and Graduate School Managers Networks are invited to put forward papers for their symposia at the 2016 UKCGE Annual Conference. 

Call for Papers for Network Symposia at 2016 Annual Conference Open

Members of the Council’s Deans and Directors of Graduate Schools, and Graduate School Managers Networks are invited to put forward papers for their symposia at the 2016 UKCGE Annual Conference.

The symposia will take place during the morning of the second day of the event (Tuesday 5th July) in Liverpool, and will continue on from the successful meetings for both networks earlier this year. Each symposium will give members an opportunity to highlight pertinent issues, and suggest potential projects each network should explore over the next 12 — 18 months. 

2016 Annual Conference DDoGS Network Symposium Paper Submission
2016 Annual Conference GSM Network Symposium Paper Submission

The deadline for paper submissions for UKCGE network symposia at the 2016 Annual conference is Friday 22nd April. Members who have already submitted papers for the conference who would like to be considered for inclusion into the relevant symposium should contact Angus Burns, UKCGE Events Officer directly.


2016 UKCGE Annual Conference

Deans and Directors of Graduate Schools (DDoGS) Network

Graduate School Managers Network