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Dr Gillian Houston on doctoral examination — Part 1: Understanding the viva
In this series, Dr Gillian Houston, former chair of UKCGE, discusses her recent publication The final examination of the UK PhD: fit for purpose?, written with Ingrid Lunt and published in July 2024. Gill is currently an independent researcher, having completed her own PhD in 2018 focused on the processes, attributes, and outcomes of the PhD examination in the UK. Gill is a long-standing member of the UK Council for Graduate Education’s governing body, latterly as chair and vice-chair, completing her term of office in July 2021. Her research work focuses on the topic of doctoral education and assessment. In part one of this interview-based series, Gill discusses the processes of the viva, discussing the challenges and positives of the final PhD examination. -
Dr Gillian Houston on doctoral examination — Part 2: The viva in context
In part two of this series based on a UKCGE interview with Dr Gillian Houston, former chair and vice-chair of UKCGE, Gill discusses the viva within its contextual bounds – analysing the different modes of examination that other countries enact, how the viva fits into different degree forms, attributes examiners look for while carrying out the viva, and how PGRs can better prepare themselves of the modern day viva. This resource is a continuation of part one of the discussion with Gill, focused on understanding the process, positives, and challenges of the viva. This dialogue comes as a discussion of Gill and Ingrid Lunt’s recent article publication titled, The final examination of the UK PhD: fit for purpose?