Membership of the UK Council for Graduate Education
Council members have been creating and sharing good-practice on the governance and development of UK postgraduate education for over 25 years.
The UK Council for Graduate Education is a membership organisation comprised predominately of UK Higher Education Institutions. Any staff member at a subscribing institution is eligible to benefit from institutional membership.
In addition, many funders and sector organisations are also involved with the Council as Associate Members.
Individual membership is also available for international colleagues, and those without an institutional affiliation.
The Voice of the Postgraduate Community
The Council is an independent educational charity which relies on voluntary contributions from individuals and institutions in the postgraduate sector.
We are governed by elected representatives of the postgraduate sector, who serve for a 3‑year term. We raise funds through membership subscriptions, event registration fees, research grants, and commercial sponsorship.
With members drawn from across the world, including over 90% of UK Higher Education Institutions, all UKCGE events, each of our professional networks and working groups, and all our publications are developed and delivered by our membership.
The UKCGE plays a crucial role in postgraduate research in the UK. During the pandemic, in particular, we have needed to be agile – thinking flexibly and responding quickly. UKCGE has provided numerous opportunities for staff from across UK to connect and discuss the pressing issues. In addition, UKCGE has provided stimulus materials and guidance documents, drawn from across the sector, which have been hugely helpful in developing local policy and practice. The UKCGE’s outputs are clear, concise and evidence-based – just what you need when time is at a premium, and a great resource for our supervisory community.Dr Nigel Eady Director of Research Talent, Centre for Doctoral Studies & Centre for Research Staff Development, King’s College London
Our Core Principle

We have a community of practice ethos, which is captured in our motto:“by the sector, for the sector”.
Our core principle is that we are run by and for the postgraduate sector.
Whether your institution has been a long-standing provider of postgraduate education and research or is just establishing its provision, becoming an active member of the UKCGE’s professional networks will benefit you.
Our networks are forums for sharing of practice, ideas and experience between colleagues, across institutions, with the goal of improving individual’s practice and institution’s provision.
We engage our community through consultative processes – gathering intelligence and survey data, and importantly – visiting our member institutions and facilitating free-to-attend forums and meetings alongside our formal events programme.
UKCGE has also supported my work in a number of unexpected ways. Not only does membership connect me to colleagues in the sector, it has allowed me to be part of a community of practice – a place to trade experiences, share ideas, and perhaps most importantly of all, to join conversations about the future of doctoral education.Professor Julie Sheldon | Liverpool John Moores University
Membership Benefits

We offer an authoritative voice and high-quality leadership on all aspects of postgraduate teaching and study, influencing policy-makers through specially commissioned research. We also develop a range of conferences, workshops and seminars – led by our members, for our members – covering a wide spectrum of topics.
Representatives of member institutions can:
- Access our online resource library, including the latest reports on UKCGE’s research.
- Tackle challenges, share best practice and feel more connected by attending our events programme.
- Get a reduced rate on all in-person events and access online events for free.
- Stay informed about the sector via our monthly newsletter, The Postgraduate.
- Interact with our community via social media channels and dedicated online groups.
- Increase their visibility in the sector by convening working groups, standing for election and other activities.
- Increase transparency by benchmarking policies against other institutions.
- Connect with and support one another via our professional networks.
Free online events for members

We run 16 free online workshops or seminars per year, and, as part of this offering, members are encouraged to suggest their own online events which can be run in partnership.
Physical events include the Annual Conference, one residential workshop, two to three in-person workshops and one to two international conferences.
What our delegates say:
The event was rich with information, insight and experienced professionals. Warm and welcoming staff and highly collegial too.
I didn’t know what to expect from today and really enjoyed it. I appreciated being exposed to the wider picture of PGT, not just careers – there’s so much contextual knowledge I don’t know I need until I have it in front of me.
UKCGE events are essential for anyone involved in postgraduate research. As well as these events imparting useful information, delegates are friendly and happy to share best practice, which helps build a sense of community.
There are three types of membership: Institutional, Associate and Individual. Our fees are as follows:
- UK Higher Education Institutions: £1,495 per year.
- ‘Associate’ Higher Education Institutions: £750 per year.
- Individual: £115 per year (for independent or retired scholars).