6th International Conference on Professional Doctorates
Professional Doctorates in a Changing Landscape
The nature of doctoral education has changed since the first ICPD conference held in Edinburgh in 2009. The numbers of professional doctorate programmes available has increased dramatically in the UK as have the numbers of participants, and discussions at the ICPD conferences have helped to raise the profile of professional doctorates across Europe.
Most importantly the conferences have given the space to discuss and consider the place of such programmes in the context of further development of doctoral education.
Conference Themes
- Curriculum development in collaboration with industry and commerce, professional and statutory bodies
- Pedagogy including novel modes of delivery
- Professional impact and transformation
- The candidate experience.
Keynote Speakers
Dr David Docherty
CEO, National Centre for Universities and Business- The Importance of University and Business Partnerships
Professor Pamela Burnard
Professor of Arts, Creativities and Education, Doctorate of Education Manager, University of Cambridge- What’s Unique About the Professional Doctorate? Voicing the Experiences of Professionals in a Changing Landscape
Professor Michele Tiraboschi
Professor of Labour Law, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia- The Employer’s Perspective of Practice Doctorates