International Conference on Developments in Doctoral Education & Training Conference Proceedings

Douglas Halliday

Past Chair, UKCGE, Professor in Physics, University of Durham and Director of the Durham University Global Challenge Centre for Doctoral Training (2019–2022)

There was a time when the doctorate was regarded as a highly specialised and niche undertaking to be entered into by a relatively small number of individuals in an atmosphere of cloistered calm and quiet. These days have long gone.

The doctorate has, in my view, come of age and is recognised the world over as an immensely valuable and distinct qualification providing a gateway to a large number of career options. The doctorate offers an individual the opportunity to study their chosen field in considerable depth and ultimately to extend their subject with new insights, new understanding or in new directions. In my institution, and in many others, we refer to this as an original contribution to knowledge”. What gives the modern doctorate a sense of purpose and excitement is this element of originality. 
Professor Douglas Halliday, p.7


  1. The Doctoral Curriculum: What? How? Who? (Dr Maragaret Kiley The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia)
  2. Supporting Doctoral Students to Complete On-Time with Impact (Professor Pam Denicolo & Dr Dawn Duke University of Surrey, UK)
  3. New Approaches to CPD and Preparing Academics for Supervision (Dr Anne Lee)
  4. Researcher Engagement and Development at the University of Aberdeen: A progressive strategy for institutional culture change (Dr Lucy Leiper & Dr Ken Skeldon University of Aberdeen, UK)
  5. European PhD education: A tale of two cultures (Professor Michael J. Mulvany Professor Zdravko Lackovic Aarhus University, Denmark University of Zagreb, Croatia)
  6. A Synthesis of the Professional, the Academic, and the Personal in the Professional Doctorate: A Framework for Applied Research (Dr Bernard Schissel Royal Roads University, Canada)
  7. An Alternative Approach to the Final Assessment of Professional Doctorate Candidates (Professor Peter Smith, Dr Gail Sanders, Dr John Fulton & Dr Judith Kuit University of Sunderland, UK)
  8. Improving Doctoral Research by Learning from Doctoral Vivas/​Defences (Professor Vernon Trafford Anglia Ruskin University, UK)