Board of Trustees

The Council’s activities are managed by a volunteer board of trustees called the Executive Committee and a small team of employees.

The Committee consists of 12 elected individuals from full member institutions of the Council, who are responsible for the overall management and control of UKCGE. To lead the work of the Council, the Executive Committee has four Honorary Officer posts — Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.

All Executive Committee members are elected for a three year term and support the Council on a voluntary basis. The Committee meets at least four times a year to develop and agree all new initiatives, and to oversee the work and direction of the Council.

Professor Doug Cleaver

Chair, UKCGE | Director of the Doctoral College, Sheffield Hallam University

Professor Janet de Wilde

Vice-Chair UKCGE | Director of the Queen Mary Academy, Queen Mary, University of London

Professor Julie Sheldon

Honorary Secretary UKCGE | Dean of the Doctoral Academy, Liverpool John Moores University

Dr James Bruce

Honorary Treasurer, UKCGE | Senior Lecturer, Chemistry, The Open University

Dr Janet Carton

Trustee, UKCGE | Head of Graduate Studies and Research Strategy, University College Dublin

Dr Karen Clegg

Trustee, UKCGE | Co-Director of the Next Generation Research SuperVision Project, University of York

Dr Kay Guccione

Trustee, UKCGE | Head of Research Culture and Researcher Development, University of Glasgow

Elizabeth Halton

Trustee, UKCGE | Director, Doctoral School, University College London

Professor Hala Mansour

Trustee, UKCGE | Professor and Head of Research and Doctoral Programmes, Royal College of Art

Associate Professor Michelle Morgan

Trustee, UKCGE | Dean of Students, University of East London

Professor Tina Ramkalawan

Trustee, UKCGE | Director of the Graduate School and Reader at Brunel University London

Dr Rebekah Smith McGloin

Trustee, UKCGE | Director, Research Culture and Environment, Nottingham Trent University

Rachel Van Krimpen

Trustee, UKCGE | Doctoral Training Partnership Manager (BBSRC and NERC), University of Nottingham

Carolyn Wynne

Trustee, UKCGE | Director of the Doctoral College & Centre for Research Capability and Development at Coventry University