5th International Conference on Professional Doctorates

Candidate and Graduate Experiences, Outcomes and Achievements
  • Conference
  • Professional & Practice-Based Doctorates
  • International
15 — 16 Mar 2016 
Titanic, Belfast

The nature of doctoral education has changed since the first ICPD conference held in London in 2009. The numbers of professional doctorate programmes available have increased dramatically in the UK; as have the numbers of participants and discussions at ICPD conferences. These increases have helped to raise the profile of professional doctorates across Europe. Most importantly the conferences have given the space to discuss and consider the place of such programmes in the context of further development of doctoral education.

The professional doctorate now stands firmly as an appropriate and relevant qualification for enabling individuals to develop their research skills and particularly for advancing their profession and their professional practice. As a consequence of these developments, ICPD 2016 will attempt to emphasise the different ways in which professional doctorates can impact on those who
complete them and on their professional context.


  1. Cultural, social and resource perspectives
  2. Curriculum development
  3. Pedagogy
  4. Quality assurance
  5. Professional impact

Further details

The main theme of the conference is the effect of professional doctorates on candidate and graduate academic and professional experiences, outcomes and achievements in the workplace and more widely. Within this broad agenda it is intended to arrange the conference around the above sub-themes:

The Steering Group for the conference particularly hopes that academic and professional supervisors and advisers will encourage their professional doctoral candidates and graduates to attend this conference and share their experiences with other delegates.

The conference organisers hope to compile a portfolio of impact case studies for publication. Where possible, contributors are requested to provide a case study with their conference contribution. 

There will be an opportunity for conference papers to be worked up and published in a journal. We have approached the journal Studies in Continuing Education’ and are in the process of negotiating a special issue that is related to the theme of the conference. There is also an opportunity to publish in the Work Based Learning e‑journal International.

Keynote Speakers

  • Professor Tim Blackman

    Vice-Chancellor, Middlesex University
    • Professional doctorates and the 21st century university
  • Dr Wilhelm Krull

    Secretary General of the Volkswagen Foundation, Germany
    • Confined to the Formation of Scholars? The changing role of doctoral training in a knowledge-based society
  • Professor David Imig

    Chairperson of the Board of Directors for the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate and Professor of Practice, University of Maryland, USA
    • Innovation and Change in Graduate Education: Using an Outside-In Strategy to Transform the Professional Doctorate in Education in the US


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