Dr Gillian Houston is a long standing member of the UK Council for Graduate Education’s governing body, latterly as chair and vice-chair, completing her term of office in July 2021.
Gill has wide-ranging experience of higher education in the UK and internationally. Latterly she has focused on the assessment of students and postgraduate education, particularly doctorates.
Having completed her own PhD in 2018, she has recent experience of doctoral supervision from the candidate perspective. Gill continues to publish on the topic of doctoral education and assessment, most recently:
- Houston, G., Lovat, T., Lunt, I., Holbrook, A., & Dally, K. (2023). The viva in doctoral examination: A Habermasian dialogic occasion. In D. Rayson (Ed.), Education, religion, and ethics – A scholarly collection. Springer.
- Houston G (2022) The Role of Supervisors in Preparing Doctoral Researchers for the Final Examination. In M‑L Österlind, P Denicolo and B‑M Apelgren (Eds), Doctoral Education as if People Matter: Critical issues for the future. Leiden, Brill.
- Houston, G (2021) Doctoral examiners’ judgements: do examiners agree on doctoral attributes and how important are professional and personal characteristics? In: A Lee and R Bongaardt (eds.) The Future of Doctoral Research: challenges and opportunities. London: Routledge.
- Houston, G (2019) A Study of the PhD examination: process, attributes and outcomes. DPhil, Oxford University [Online] Available here »
- Clarke, G and Lunt, I (2014) The concept of ‘originality’ in the PhD: how is it interpreted by examiners? Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 39: 7, 803–820.
- Clarke, G and Lunt, I (2014) International Comparisons in postgraduate education: quality, access and employment outcomes. Higher Education Funding Council for England. Available here »