Resource library
A Guide to Online Supervision
Traditionally doctoral candidates studied on campus and, fieldwork apart, were in close proximity to supervisors throughout their studies. But in recent years there has been a rapid growth in the numbers of students undertaking most of their studies off-‐campus, often at a very considerable distance from the institution
The European Landscape of Doctoral Education: The Future of Research Collaboration
Report on the Joint Meeting with the EUA-CDE on 3rd May 2019 at the British Academy
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Participation in Postgraduate Research: A Thematic Bibliography
The thematic bibliography covers a broad range of issues and challenges related to BAME participation in postgraduate education
Mental Health and Wellbeing of PGRs: Pinch Points and Good Practice
A timeline of challenges to candidates’ wellbeing & good-practice support initiatives
Enhancing Practice in Research Supervision
In this publication, the UKCGE asked a series of experts in the field of doctoral education to contribute short articles on various issues in doctoral supervision
Eligibility to Supervise: A study of UK Institutions
Supervision is crucial in determining the quality of the experience of research students and the chances of their completing on time. It has long been recognised that appropriate criteria are needed to determine eligibility to supervise. In many countries, these are specified at national level, but in the UK, since 1992, it has been left up to institutions.
National Survey of PGT Programme Directors and Administrators
As the complexities of the PGT landscape becomes ever clearer, as the challenges at institutional level are debated and policies are shaped to address the realities for students and HEIs, there has been little attention paid to PGT at the programme level, to the voice of PGT Programme Directors and Administrators, who deal with the day-to-day realities