Resource library
Research Supervision at a Distance: A Bibliography
A bibliography of available research into doctoral supervision at a distance
Conducting Vivas Online: A Guide for Institutions and Candidates
The UK Council for Graduate Education issued this guidance to assist institutions who, in the light of Covid–‐19, were rapidly adapting to making online vivas available to larger numbers of candidates who by necessity could not attend a face to face assessment with examiners.
A Guide to Online Supervision
Traditionally doctoral candidates studied on campus and, fieldwork apart, were in close proximity to supervisors throughout their studies. But in recent years there has been a rapid growth in the numbers of students undertaking most of their studies off-‐campus, often at a very considerable distance from the institution
The European Landscape of Doctoral Education: The Future of Research Collaboration
Report on the Joint Meeting with the EUA-CDE on 3rd May 2019 at the British Academy
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Participation in Postgraduate Research: A Thematic Bibliography
The thematic bibliography covers a broad range of issues and challenges related to BAME participation in postgraduate education
Mental Health and Wellbeing of PGRs: Pinch Points and Good Practice
A timeline of challenges to candidates’ wellbeing & good-practice support initiatives