Higher Doctorate Awards in the UK

Stuart Powell

Stuart Powell is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Hertfordshire, where he was the Director of Research Degrees.

This report was prepared by Professor Stuart Powell (former Honorary Secretary UKCGE) from the University of Hertfordshire and Nicola Crouch, Administrator of UKCGE following a survey of the Council’s member institutions. Its main purpose was to map the range of awards that are described as being at higher doctoral level and their incidence across member institutions.

The only award cited unequivocally as a higher doctorate (by ten institutions), with a single nomenclature attached to it, was the Doctor of Divinity (DD). The other awards available in more than ten institutions were the higher doctorates in Science, Letters, Law and Music (mostly, though not universally, known by the abbreviations DSc, DLitt, LLD and DMus respectively). However, in all of these cases the award is also offered elsewhere at initial doctoral level. 