Graduate Schools (1995 Report)

Sir Peter Scott

In 1995 when he authored this report, Sir Peter was Professor of Education at the University of Leeds. In 2016 he was made Scotland’s first Commissioner for Fair Access.

This paper explores the reasons for the establishment of graduate schools, the different models that have been adopted and their operation. 

The paper was prepared by a Working Group convened by Professor Peter Scott, University of Leeds. The other members of the Working Group were Dr Jonathan Adams, University of Leeds, Professor Jennifer Birkett, University of Birmingham, Dr John Hogan, University of Durham, Professor John Laver, University of Edinburgh and Professor Colin Robson, University of Huddersfield. 

It reviews the advantages and potential problems of graduate schools, and offers some issues for consideration for those institutions interested in establishing a graduate school structure, or wishing to review the performance of existing graduate schools.

The UK Council is very grateful to all members of the Working Group for their time and effort in preparing this paper which assisted institutions to evaluate the models that can be used to help promote high quality graduate education and training.

Universities had created a Graduate School by 1995 
Universities were considering the creation of a Graduate School 
Of existing Graduate Schools at this time were University-wide