Working Groups invite expressions of interest
Working Groups invite expressions of interest
The UK Council for Graduate Education invites colleagues from membership institutions to express an interest in joining one of its four working groups.
The Council’s working groups were launched in winter 2013 and are associated with four key topics in the Postgraduate Community. The four groups include a chair, either from the sector or from our Executive Committee, with membership formed of colleagues from UK HEIs professional bodies and other organisations working within the postgraduate sector. The four working groups are:
- The Postgraduate Experience
- Postgraduate Funding
- Quality and Reputation of the UK Doctorate
- Diversity and Sustainability of Organisational Structures for Doctoral Provision
The Council aims to achieve a wide ranging membership for each group to ensure a balance of expertise, institutional background, sector and regional perspectives to appropriately inform each group’s work.
Colleagues with appropriate expertise in any of the four areas who belong to a membership institution should make an expression of interest to Kate Payne, UKCGE Administrative Officer which includes:
- Up to date Curriculum Vitae
- Summary of expertise relevant to the working group (500 word limit)
- Consent from line manager for joining the working group (if required)
Gill Clarke, UKCGE Vice Chair said,
“The working groups are an important part of UKCGE’s activities and have begun to deliver some useful outcomes, such as the imminent Structural Changes in Doctoral Education in the UK publication, the PGT Programme Directors Survey and a report comparing doctoral assessment practice in the United States, Germany and the Netherlands (to be published in the new year). The working groups offer an opportunity for our members to become more involved with the work of the Council in a key area of interest.”
The working groups provide timely input into the Council’s work on current themes in postgraduate education, and enable the Council to make informed contributions to government, funding and research council initiatives as and when required. The working groups also enable the Council to provide updates, blogs and news to its membership community via The Postgraduate.
Carolyn Wynne, UKCGE Principal Officer said,
“The Council’s working groups were originally launched 24 months ago and have continued to progress and engage discussion in key areas. Recently a small number of colleagues have stood down from the groups which gives us the opportunity to bring in some new people to work alongside existing members and keep things moving forward.”
Working groups
Submit expression of interest