Update from Diversity and Sustainability of Organisational Structures for Doctoral Provision Working Group
Update from Diversity and Sustainability of Organisational Structures for Doctoral Provision Working Group
New work streams identified to build on the findings of their report
The Working Group for Diversity and Sustainability of Organisational Structures for Doctoral Provision convened on Monday 21st March in Birmingham to identify further areas of investigation and research following the launch of their publication “Structural Changes in Doctoral Education in the UK: a review of Graduate Schools and the Development of Doctoral Colleges” in December 2015.
The Working Group agreed on a continued focus of organisational structures for doctoral provision and partnerships, identifying three strands of activity over the next year to be undertaken by subgroups:
1. Hosting an event looking at how doctoral training programmes work with external organisations (industry, policy-makers, third sector etc.)
2. Developing a further publication to focus on the structures to support high-quality supervision: this will include a survey of UK HEIs to look at how (and who in) institutions have responsibility for supervisor development, what is the role of Doctoral Training Programmes etc.
3. Introducing a case study series to investigate International consortia in doctoral training
Members of the sub groups will be agreed over the next few weeks with the view to commencing work against these three new strands in April.
Dr Rebekah Smith McGloin, Chair of the Working Group said,
“The structures working group had a very lively and productive meeting in Birmingham this week with a reinvigorated membership who bring a broad range of experience and expertise in organisational structures that support doctoral education. The group has identified three strands of activity for the coming year which are focused on the theme of structures and partnerships. Outputs from the group will include an event with a range of external stakeholders working with doctoral training programmes, a report considering training and support for supervisors as partners in doctoral education structures and a case study series on looking at international partnerships.”
More information about the UKCGE Working Groups can be found here.