UKCGE response to THE

The Council’s response to the question posed by THE PhD: Is the Doctoral thesis obsolete?” 

UKCGE response to THE

The latest UKCGE report The Role of Publications and Other Artefacts in Submissions for the UK PhD” was referenced largely in the THE article written by Paul Jump and published on 21st May 2015. The Council were contacted prior to the article being published for our views on whether or not we considered if the PhD Thesis was fit for purpose. We stated (extract):

The thesis provides tangible evidence for examiners of the candidate’s research achievements and a variety of personal skills. Examiners need to be confident that the research has been conducted soundly, securely, ethically, and with a robust methodology. Therefore it is necessary for a PhD thesis to contain more information than other types of publication that researchers might produce later in their careers when they become more established. The judgement an examiner makes is also about whether the individual candidate has developed the skills expected of a researcher in their area/​discipline. A thesis helps present evidence to inform this judgement. Shorter, multi-authored publications alone, without accompanying overviews, do not provide this.”

The Council’s full response can be found here.