UKCGE Executive Committee Election 2018 Nominees Announced!
UKCGE Executive Committee Election 2018 Nominees Announced!
We’re pleased to announce that the ballot for the 2018 election to the Executive Committee of the UK Council for Graduate Education is now open.
This year there are eleven nominees for the five available positions.
The nominees are:
- Professor Doug Cleaver | Sheffield Hallam University
- Dr Jane Creaton | University of Portsmouth
- Dr Helen Frisby | University of The West of England
- Dr Jennifer Gosling | London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- Dr Keith Halcro | Glasgow Caledonian University
- Dr Douglas Halliday | Durham University
- Dr Steve Joy | University of Cambridge
- Associate Professor Michelle Morgan | Bournemouth University
- Dr Rebekah Smith Mcgloin | Coventry University
- Professor Julie Sheldon | Liverpool John Moores University
- Dr Philippa Ward | University of Gloucestershire
Download the nominees biographies >
Successful nominees will serve on the Executive Committee for a period of three years.
All votes must be cast by 12:00pm on Friday 25th May 2018.
Who is Elegible to Vote?
The election is open only to Full Members of the UKCGE, with one vote per member.
The ballot is cast, on behalf of their institution, by the Link Member.
If you are not you are not your institutions Link Member we strongly encourage you to download the nominees biographies and inform your Link Member of your preferred candidates. Details of your institution’s UKCGE Link Member can be found on the your institution’s page in the UKCGE Members Directory.
Similarly, Link Members are encouraged to consult within their institution in order to establish their order of preference of candidates.
About the Ballot
The ballot uses an online voting system to operates a single transferable vote (STV) system. Link Members must rank the nominees in order of preference.
All votes are anonymous and confidential.
The leading five candidates will be deemed to be elected to the Executive Committee.
When Are the Results Announced?
The election results will be announced at the AGM to be held at the Annual Conference on 2nd July 2018 in Bristol.
The tenure of the successful nominees will begin after the AGM.
About the UKCGE Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is made up of individuals, from member institutions, who are each elected to serve for a period of three years.
The Executive Committee consists of four Executive Officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary), eight regular elected members, and up to four co-opted members.
The Executive Committee members have a broad and wide-ranging knowledge of postgraduate education, it represents a broad base of institutions from across the United Kingdom, covering both administrative and academic issues, postgraduate research and postgraduate taught, part-time students and distance learners and full-time students.
The role of the Executive Committee is to agree and set the work of the Council, to oversee the various activities organised and carried out by the Council, to agree Council policy and to ensure efficient financial management. In pursuance of these aims the Executive Committee meets a minimum of 4 times a year for official Executive Committee meetings, which take place weekday afternoons.
Executive Committee members are also actively involved in Working Groups set up by the Council (attending meetings etc), organising conferences and workshops, drafting material and commenting on various aspects of the Council’s work.