UKCGE Annual General Meeting 2024

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Our AGM was held online on March 15th 2024. During the meeting, a report was given on the activities of the year and attendees were informed of the outcome of the recent elections for three places on the UKCGE Board of Trustees.

Congratulations to the successful candidates, who are as follows:

Dr Karen Clegg

Co-Director of the Next Generation Research SuperVision Project, University of York

Dr Kay Guccione

Head of Research Culture and Researcher Development, University of Glasgow

Dr Rebekah Smith McGloin

Director, Research Culture and Environment, Nottingham Trent University

We also said farewell to Professor Gale Macleod (Professor of Education at the University of Edinburgh) whose term has ended. Her insight, particularly on PGT matters, and generosity in hosting the UKCGE 2023 Annual Conference in Edinburgh, were mentioned by attendees and she was sincerely thanked for the contributions she has made to the Council in recent years.

Another item on the agenda was UKCGE’s decision to freeze the annual subscription rates for the coming year. Considering the sector’s financial challenges, our subscription rates will remain at £1,495 per year for Full Members (UK HEIs) and £750 per year for Associate Members (non-HEIs and international members). As an organisation we aim to defray costs by recruiting more Associate Members both from the UK and internationally. 

We wish to thank our Chairman, Professor Doug Cleaver, and the attendees for their contributions. We look forward to working with the Executive Committee, and with members of UKCGE, over the year to come.