The Worshipful Company of Engineers Launches 2018 Mercia Award

Applications for the annual award for postgraduate studies in medical engineering are now open! 

The Worshipful Company of Engineers Launches 2018 Mercia Award

As part of the Worshipful Company of Engineers’, one of the City of London Livery Companies, initiative to further the development and advancement of the science, art and practice of engineering for the benefit of the public, it gives awards and prizes to encourage excellence amongst qualified engineers and those in training and education.

Applications for the 2018 Mercia Award in Medical Engineering, made annually to a student to provide a bursary of £500 towards the cost of a taught or research programme of postgraduate studies (including postgraduate studies within the MEng) in Medical Engineering, are now open.

The closing date for applications for the 2018 award is 28th February 2018.

Award Application Process

Direct applications are not accepted; a candidate must be nominated by the University responsible for the programme, and not more than one candidate may be nominated by any Department in any one year. There is no formal application form; candidates are required to submit a CV together with a paper of not more than 1500 words, describing how engineering techniques are being used for the advancement of medical treatment, either within their own postgraduate project/​research work or more generally and a very brief summary (paper title, one sentence description of the paper, name of applicant, position and university) on a single PowerPoint slide. Submissions should consist of an electronic copy sent via email, and should be accompanied by a formal letter of nomination from the candidate’s supervisor or Head of Department.

Selection will be carried out by a panel established by the Worshipful Company of Engineers. Heads of Department will be asked to provide a supporting statement for shortlisted candidates and the final selection may include formal interview if deemed necessary.

The successful candidate will have demonstrated high academic ability and a vision, enthusiasm, and commitment to the application of engineering within medicine or public health. The Award will be formally presented at the Company’s Awards dinner/​presentation, normally held in one of the City’s Livery Halls, in July 2018.

Contact Professor Peter Bullen, the Awards Coordinator, for further enquiries and applications.