The 5th International Conference on Professional Doctorates
The 5th International Conference on Professional Doctorates

The 5th International Conference on Professional Doctorates took place in March, at Titanic, Belfast. Delegates came to Belfast from all corners of the globe, including for the first time delegates from China, Japan and Nigeria.
The theme of the conference was ‘Candidate and Graduate Experiences, Outcomes and Achievements’ and the programme featured keynote presentations from the following speakers:
- Professor David Imig, Chairperson of the Board of Directors for the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate and Professor of Practice at the University of Maryland, USA
- Dr Wilhelm Krull Secretary General of the Volkswagen Foundation, Germany
- Professor Tim Blackman, Vice-Chancellor, Middlesex University, UK
There was also a plenary panel discussion featuring professional doctorate students from various institutional and academic backgrounds and this provided a fascinating insight into the professional doctorate student experience.
In addition to the plenary sessions there were over 60 other presentations made and papers presented. Speakers came from institutions from across 5 continents and shared their experiences of the provision of professional doctorate courses.
Delegates who attended the Conference, as well as colleagues from UKCGE Member institutions can view copies of presentations and read extended paper abstracts by visiting the conference website — Videos of some of the plenary sessions will also soon be made available on the site.
Photographs taken at the Conference can be seen by visiting:
Planning is already underway for the 6th International Conference on Professional which will take place in the spring of 2018, full details will be released in due course on the conference website.