Speakers announced for 2016 UKCGE Annual Conference

The keynote speakers for the Council’s annual meeting have been announced. 

Speakers announced for 2016 UKCGE Annual Conference

The keynote speakers for the Council’s annual meeting have been announced.

Held at Liverpool’s Town Hall on the 4th and 5th of July, the 2016 UKCGE Annual conference focuses on Achieving Excellence in Postgraduate Education’. The event will bring together stakeholders of postgraduate education within membership institutions and supporting organisations and greatly benefit from the following keynote sessions:

  • Dr Aulay Mackenzie, Teesside University — Managing the post- graduate student experience — lessons from a cross-sector analysis
  • Professor Paul Ashwin, Lancaster University — Reflective teaching and notions of excellence
  • Professor Pam Denicolo, University of Surrey — High Quality supervision in doctoral education
  • Supporting Excellence in Postgraduate Education panel session: 
    • Mr Shane Dowle, University of Surrey 
    • Dr Catherine Mills, Manchester Metropolitan University 
    • Ms Rachel Tod, University of Liverpool

The conference will play host to symposiums for its Deans and Directors of Graduate Schools (DDoGS) and Graduate School Managers (GSM) Networks as well as facilitating the launch of the Council’s new Doctoral Supervision Network. UKCGE working groups will also provide updates on current projects and the Council will hold its AGM for full and associate members.

Like all UKCGE annual conferences, the drinks and dinner reception will add value to the event by providing a unique opportunity for further networking.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts (300 words) is Friday 18th March.

Colleagues who are interested in attending the conference can learn more about the event themes, location, venue and recommended accommodation on the Annual Conference page here.


UKCGE Annual Conference 2016