RCUK and HEFCE confirm their commitment to Vitae and researcher careers

Vitae welcomes the announcement today by David Willetts, Minister for Universities and Science, that Research Councils UK (RCUK) and the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) have come together to strengthen their support for ensuring the development of world-class skills amongst research staff 

RCUK and HEFCE confirm their commitment to Vitae and researcher careers

As part of their commitment to researcher careers in the UK, RCUK and HEFCE will continue to fund Vitae through its transition to become self-sustaining.

Ellen Pearce, Director of Vitae and CEO of CRAC: The Career Development Organisation, the charity that manages the Vitae programme, said:

Vitae was launched in 2008, alongside the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers. Our aim is to embed professional and career development for researchers in the UK higher education research experience. While significcant progress has been made in recent years, we are delighted that this important agenda remains a priority for the Research Councils and HEFCE. We look forward to continuing to work closely with UK Institutions to support research careers and strengthen the career development opportunities for research staff.“

Janet Metcalfe, Chair and Head of Vitae commented:

Researchers play a critical role in ensuring a vibrant economy, society and culture in the UK and in maintaining our world-class research base. We look forward to working with RCUK and the UK Funding Bodies to support their aspirations to enhance the skills and employability or researchers.”

(Source: www.vitae.ac.uk)