PTES 2016

The HEA Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey is open until 16th June 2016 

PTES 2016

Many institutions have now open their PTES survey and will be open until 16th June 2016.

Launched in 2009, the HEA’s annual Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) is the only sector-wide survey to gain insight from taught postgraduate students about their learning and teaching experience. PTES enables your organisation to gather information about the experience of any taught postgraduate student on a Masters, Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma course. 

The survey focuses on students’ experiences regarding:

  • teaching and learning
  • engagement
  • assessment and feedback
  • organisation and management
  • resources and services
  • skills development

It also considers students’ motivations for taking their programme and – where relevant – their experience of undertaking a dissertation or major project.

To find out more about PTES, please visit the Higher Education Academy website here.