News and blog
What is the impact of doctoral research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences?
On December 6th 2023, we held an online discussion about impact in the arts, humanities and social sciences with a presentation from The British Academy’s Dr Joanna Thornborough.
PEP Workshop 2023
On the afternoon of November 30th 2023, the Postgraduate Education Practitioners’ Network held an Online Workshop for practitioners involved in the administration or management of postgraduate education and research.
The Sir Bob Burgess Memorial Lecture 2023
The Sir Bob Burgess Memorial Lecture, held annually in memory of UKCGE’s Founding Chair, took place at London’s British Academy on November 9th 2023.
Postgraduate Education Practitioners’ Network Welcomes New Co-Chair
The Postgraduate Education Practitioners’ Network (formerly the Graduate Education Managers’ Network) has welcomed a new Co-Chair, Susanna Broom, who is Head of the Doctoral School at the University of Sussex.
1st UKCGE Conference on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Postgraduate Research
Our very first conference on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Postgraduate Research – held at Sheffield’s Crowne Plaza on the 2nd and 3rd of November 2023 – opened with a busy programme of talks and breakout sessions, all focussing on race and ethnicity in postgraduate research.
Supporting Neurodivergent PGRs
On October 26th 2023 we welcomed around 150 attendees to our Supporting Neurodivergent PGRs online discussion session, run in partnership with Durham University.
The New Deal for Postgraduate Research: A Digest
In September 2023, UKRI published its long-awaited response to the call for input on the government’s New Deal for Postgraduate Research. We have gathered some highlights below, along with dates for your diary to consider and debate its impact.
University of Edinburgh Hosts Sold-Out Annual Conference
On July 3rd and 4th 2023, we welcomed 120 delegates to our Annual Conference: Ensuring Quality and Delivering Growth in Postgraduate Education. The event – hosted by UKCGE, Trustee Dr Gale Macleod and the University of Edinburgh – considered how the rapid growth in the postgraduate sector should be managed while still maintaining quality.
Graduate Education Managers’ Network: Call for Co-Chair
We are seeking a Co-Chair for the GEM Network. The call for nominations closes on September 29th 2023.
UKCGE to partner on transformational project for UK research supervision
- The £4.6million Research SuperVision Project (RSVP) will run for four years from Autumn 2023, led by the University of York.
- Over 20 universities, plus major industries such as Unilever and the BBC, will contribute to the project.
- Outputs will include the benchmarking of professional development for research supervision and the creation of world-leading professional development resources.