Less than 30 days until the 2015 Annual UKCGE Conference

The Council’s key annual meeting, which brings together colleagues from across the postgraduate community, is less than a month away and is being held at Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel. 

Less than 30 days until the 2015 Annual UKCGE Conference

The conference title Beyond the Ivory Tower: creating & sustaining postgraduate networks, and communities in contemporary global universities’ emphases the significance of wholeheartedly supporting the postgraduate journey and embodies UKCGE’s overarching mission to support and promote a strong and sustainable postgraduate sector.

The full 2015 Annual Conference programme boasts a range of papers focused on the conferences key themes and staying true to tradition, the event will facilitate extensive opportunities for networking and sharing good practice. The following keynote speakers have been confirmed:

  • Professor Scott L Thomas — Claremont Graduate University & President-Elect Association for the Study of Higher Education, USA
  • Professor Carlinda Leite — Universidade do Porto, Portugal
  • Dr Lucas Zinner — University of Vienna, Austria
  • Dr Colin Pilbeam — Cranfield University, UK
  • Professor Bonnie Steves — Glasgow Caledonian University & UKCGE Executive, UK
  • Professor Deirdre Heddon — University of Glasgow, UK
  • Michael Rayner — University of the Highlands and Islands, UK

The conference will also feature a special symposium for Deans and Directors of Graduate Schools, the annual Link-Member Forum and updates from the four UKCGE Working Groups. 

UKCGE Chair elect, Professor Rosemary Deem said:

“‘The conference theme relates to a current debate about how to ensure that postgraduate research students are not left isolated during their studies and we look forward to national and international delegates and presenters telling us how they think networks, communities and cohorts help overcome isolation and contribute to a positive student experience and successful and timely thesis submission”

The following universities will be represented at the event;

Anglia Ruskin University, Auckland University of Technology — New Zealand, Baylor University – USA, Birmingham City University, Blackburn College, Bournemouth University, Cardiff University, Claremont Graduate University – USA, Coventry University, Cranfield University, Edinburgh University, Georgia Regents University – USA, Glasgow Caledonian University, HEFCE, Heriot-Watt University, Higher Education Academy, Kingston University, Leeds Trinity University, Loughborough University, Menlo College – USA, NERC, Newcastle University, Nottingham Trent University, Queensland University of Technology – Australia, Royal Holloway University of London, Sheffield Hallam University, St Mary’s University, Teesside University, The Scottish Association for Marine Science, The University of Edinburgh, The University of Huddersfield, The University of Leicester, The University of Manchester, The University of Sheffield, Ulster University, University of Aberdeen, Universidade do Porto – Portugal, University Campus Suffolk, University College London, University of Essex, University of Alaska – USA, University of Birmingham, University of Central Lancashire, University of Exeter, University of Georgia – USA, University of Glasgow, University of Hertfordshire, University of Leeds, University of Lincoln, University of Oxford, University of Plymouth, University of Portsmouth, University of Southampton, University of Strathclyde, University of Surrey, University of Sussex, University of the Highlands and Islands, University of the West of Scotland, University of Vienna – Austria.