Launch of the Next Generation Research SuperVision Project (RSVP)

On February 27th 2024, we had great pleasure in hosting an online launch event for the Next Generation Research SuperVision Project (RSVP). Over 200 people attended to hear presentations from the different stakeholders and to ask questions about this Research England-funded project.
A welcome was given by Professor Doug Cleaver – Chair of UKCGE’s Board of Trustees and a Co-Principal Investigator for the RSVP project (under the auspices of Sheffield Hallam University). He began by posing a question to the audience: “What do you consider to be most valuable in your institution’s current support for supervisors?” Responses flooded in via the chat as the event got underway.
Steven Hill (Director of Research at Research England) then introduced the project, explaining that one of its aims was to create a CPD framework for supervisors. “I think we all agree that doctoral researchers are central to a thriving research culture,” he said, “Looking after and nurturing our research students is a real investment for the future and supervision is a key determinant for success.” He added that the RSVP project reflected one of Research England’s key aims – that of enhancing research culture – which was also shared, more broadly, by UKRI.
Following on from Steven, Dr Karen Clegg (University of York) introduced herself as Director of the RSVP project and a Co-Principal Investigator. “It’s a huge pleasure that we take on all of the expectations that Steven has outlined,” she said, “We want to celebrate and support the work that doctoral supervisors do and we also want to bring on the next generation.” She added that they intended to embrace the project’s acronym as “an invitation to you, as part of the sector, to respond to us and get involved a much as you wish.” She then outlined the project’s scope in more detail, explaining that it would involve working with providers of doctoral education, industry partners, funders and researchers.
Dr Clegg then handed back to Professor Cleaver, who took participants through the “How” of the project, explaining that there would be an initial intelligence-building phase before they moved into practice and culture, and finally, policy change. He emphasised the diversity of the project and mentioned some of RSVP’s external partners, including the Royal Shakespeare Company, the Wellcome Trust and the BBC. He added that they are currently looking for an additional eight educational institutions to get involved.
Following on from Professor Cleaver, Dr Heather Sears (Coventry University) presented a list of outcomes to whet the appetites of participants and outlined plans to build on UKCGE’s current Research Supervision Recognition Programme – “We would like to investigate accreditation at programme as well as individual level,” she revealed.
Dr Alex Pavey (King’s College London) then spoke briefly about themes that had emerged from the chat (“Communities of practice is coming through strongly as something that is valued, as well as the importance of recognition for supervisors …”) and Professor Richard Graham (University of Nottingham) outlined the criteria that the project leaders are using for choosing partners. He directed participants to an expression of interest form on the project’s website, adding that the deadline for submitting it is April 19th 2024.
The session ended with 15 minutes of questions and comments from the audience.