June 2015 Working Group Update

This month, the under the spotlight feature is progress from the Postgraduate Funding Working Group. 

June 2015 Working Group Update

The Postgraduate Funding Working Group has issued a statement on the PSS Scheme and the proposed PGT Loan Scheme,

The UKCGE postgraduate funding group believes that both PG loan schemes will benefit from extensive consultation with the sector in order to ensure that they deliver the expected benefits. Such consultation should also ensure that there are no unwelcome unintended consequences such as narrowing participation of the brightest minds in postgraduate studies, disadvantaging certain groups or undermining the concept of lifelong learning. The Postgraduate Funding group welcomes the recently published Impact of Doctoral Careers report, funded by HEFCE and RCUK, as an important start for the discussion that needs to take place. The more is understood about the impact of postgraduates, the better informed will any discussion on how best to fund postgraduate education be and the more likely it is to deliver the expected benefits”

To read a full copy of the statement please click here.

All Working Groups will be reporting their initial findings at the UKCGE Annual Conference on 2nd and 3rd July 2015 in Glasgow