Inaugural Residential for Deans and Directors Network

On 26th and 27th February 2015, the Council hosted its inaugural Residential Meeting for the newly formed Deans and Directors of Graduate Schools Network. 

Inaugural Residential for Deans and Directors Network

Convening at the Holiday Inn in Bristol, the event attracted 51 delegates from 47 institutions and offered colleagues the opportunity to focus on some of the challenges currently faced by Graduate Schools such as integrating students in research culture, the REF and the impact of Graduate Schools and the effect they have on completion rates. It also provided a valuable opportunity for the Council to understand how best the network can be developed to support colleagues in their Dean and Director roles, what resources can be provided and what opportunities can be made available.

One idea that was strongly supported was the development of Impact Briefing Sheets to cover a range of topics.

Dr Darren Van Laar, University of Portsmouth and Chair of the Network said

The Residential was a tremendous success and I am already looking forward to the next one. The idea of producing Impact Briefing Sheets is one that I am really keen to pursue and develop. Evidence and arguments about certain topics can be produced to help persuade colleagues and senior managers of the value of Graduate Schools and their need for essential resources.

As a follow up to the Residential, a symposium for the network will be featured as part of the UKCGE Annual Conference in Glasgow and will focus on two particular themes: 1) structures for sustainability in doctoral education and 2) on how to provide research culture and other general support for part-time (including distance learning) research students, in order to nurture and sustain this important aspect of provision.

Submissions to this symposium are currently being accepted (closing date 22nd March 2015) and can be made by visiting the conference website or by going to