Executive Committee Nominations Open

Nominations are now open for colleagues at member institutions who are interested in becoming involved with the Council at Executive Committee level. 

Executive Committee Nominations Open

There are three vacancies on the Committee this year and elected members will serve on the committee for three years. The three vacancies will be filed by postal ballot an announced at the Annual General Meeting to be held at the Annual Conference in Birmingham on 1st — 2nd July 2013.

There is no restriction on the number of nomination that can be made from each institution. Nominations must be proposed by a representative of any member institution and seconded by a representative of another institution. Nomination papers and further information on the nomination and voting process are available to download via the links below:

1. The Role and Commitment of Executive Committee Members 

2. Process and Background Information

3. Nomination Form

If you have any further quieries about the Executive Committee nomination process, please do not hesitate to contact us