Executive Committee Nominations
Executive Committee Nominations
There will be FOUR vacancies on the Executive Committee this year from July 2015 and the posts will be filled via Postal Ballot, the results being announced at the UKCGE Annual Conference in Glasgow.
The UK Council for Graduate Education has an
The role of the Executive Committee is to agree and set the work of the Council, to oversee the various activities organised and carried out by the Council, to agree Council policy and to ensure efficient financial management. In pursuance of these aims the Executive Committee meets a minimum of 4 times a year for official Executive Committee meetings, which take place weekday afternoons. Executive Committee members are also actively involved in Working Groups set up by the Council (attending meetings etc), organising conferences and workshops, drafting material and commenting on various aspects of the Council’s work.
It is vital that the UK Council for Graduate Education has and continues to have an effective Executive Committee whose members have a broad and wide-ranging knowledge of postgraduate education covering both administrative and academic issues, postgraduate research and postgraduate taught, part time students and distance learners and full time students. Nominees should have successful significant experience of postgraduate education, an awareness of the issues facing the sector, and be willing to actively participate in contributing to the Council’s operation and its annual programme of activities and reports.
It is of particular importance that the subject spread of the
The Council would welcome nominations from experienced academic and administrative staff with significant postgraduate knowledge.
Nomination paperwork will be sent to institutional Link Members and will be available to download from the website from Friday 20th March 2015.