Council Releases Higher Doctorates in the UK Publication
Council Releases Higher Doctorates in the UK Publication
The publications author Dr Tina Barnes would like to thank the HEIs who contributed to the survey on which the Higher Doctorates in the UK report is based,and in particular to those individual respondents who took the time to answer follow-up questions and make additional contributions from their institutional perspective.
‘It became evident in surveying members about higher doctorate awards that a major reason for this is the lack of a strategic role for such awards,coupled with a lack of a strong imperative to change them, particularly given the abundance of otherissues that HEIs, quite reasonably, consider to be more pressing. Nevertheless, in the course of planningand executing this survey, it became clear that there is interest in the findings among UKCGE’smembership, precisely because this is a topic that receives little attention. This survey and report, alongwith its predecessor, therefore has an important role to play in providing the means by which UK HEIscan share information on their higher awards. The perspective that this provides could prove helpful ininforming discussions about the future of such awards. The low response rate to the survey however,naturally limits the achievement of this goal. In particular, a key recommendation of this report is thatfuture work in this area focus on developments within the post-1992 institutions, and the role that thehigher doctorate may (or may not) play in raising their research standing.’
If UKCGE members would like to provide any comments about the above publication please do not hesitate to contact us.
Link to report (Member Access Required):