Administrative Checks for Examiners of Vivas
19 Apr 2024

We recently held an online event which sought to compare experiences across the sector on right-to-work (RTW) checks and other administrative challenges related to the employment of external examiners to conduct PhD vivas.
We polled an audience of roughly 60 people to get a sense of administrative practices. The results and the discussion that followed revealed that UK universities are taking diverse approaches to the employment of external examiners — a situation that has partly arisen from changes made during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Q1: What RTW checks take place at your institution for PGR External Examiners?
- No RTW checks undertaken (21.8%).
- RTW checks undertaken but flexible as to when and flexible as to online or in-person (20.0%).
- RTW checks undertaken at/before appointment but flexible as to online or in-person (43.6%).
- RTW checks always undertaken at/before appointment and always in-person (9.1%).
- Other (5.5%).
Q2: Does your institution allow overseas PGR External Examiners to undertake the work/viva from outside of the UK?
- Yes – RTW checks required (20.0%).
- Yes – RTW checks are not required (70.9%).
- No (9.1%).
Do you have an idea for an event you would like to run in partnership with UKCGE?
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