2020 Executive Committee Elections — Results

  • UKCGE News
Find out who was elected to the UKCGE Executive Committee in the 2020 elections. 

2020 Executive Committee Elections — Results


The Chair and Director of the UK Council for Graduate Education are pleased to announce the results of the 2020 election to the UKCGE Executive Committee.

Following the ballot of our membership, we’re delighted that the following have been elected to the EC:

  • Dr Karen Clegg – University of York.
  • Professor Janet De Wilde — Queen Mary University of London.
  • Dr James Bruce – Open University.

We would like to thank all the nominees for standing for election and we look forward to working with the newly elected Executive Committee members over the next three years.

Dr Karen Clegg

Experienced in PGR policy development and implementation (institution-wide and programme-specific) Karen leads on community and engagement to support student wellbeing, partnership building, supervisor training and professional development at the University of York where she has developed successful professional development doctoral European collaborations and directed an Advance HE accredited GTA programme.

Karen is an active contributor to national debate around doctoral education and regularly gives presentations. She is well networked with a publication record spanning 25 years.

Karen has been recognised for her part in the Research Leaders Programme through a Times Higher Award for Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers and a Praxis-Auril Internal Knowledge Exchange Award for the Enterprise Fellowship programme.

Professor Janet De Wilde

Janet has worked in the Higher Education sector since 1988, firstly as an academic and then in academic development. After several years as an academic in Bioengineering Department at Imperial College, Janet moved to Scotland— joining Heriot-Watt University then the University of Edinburgh. In 2011, Janet became the Higher Education Academy as Head of STEM before joining Imperial College London to lead the Professional Development Unit for 8000 postgraduates. In 2020, Janet joined Queen Mary, University of London to lead the Queen Mary Academy, a new unit with the remit to develop excellence in Education and Learning, Teaching Recognition and Researcher Development.

Dr James Bruce

In his 19 years at the OU, James has led on PGR strategy and policy and on development and production of online training courses and materials for supervisors and PGRs. This allowed him to establish a virtual research environment for PGRs in 2014 across the University and our partner institutions. James was Director of Research Degrees for the Science Faculty for 5 years with responsibility for leading and managing the Faculty’s 500 PGR students. James became the first Graduate School Director at the Open University, establishing its new Graduate School in 2016 supporting 1000 part time and fulltime PGRs.

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