Supporting PGRS Who Teach — Town Hall Discussion

  • Online Panel Discussion
  • Doctoral Training
15 Sep 2023 
Free for Members 

This online Town Hall discussion will examine ways in which institutions can support Postgraduate Researchers who teach. 

The discussion is kindly being lead by:

Dr Senthila Quirke, Senior Lecturer — Academic Development (Education) | Brunel University, London
Dr Alex Standen, Head, Academic Development, Eden Centre for Education Enhancement | The London School of Economics and Political Science.

The purpose of this session is to provide a discussion forum for all participants to share their challenges and successes in supporting PGRs who teach. To facilitate our discussion, Senthi and Alex will provide some observations on the following areas:

  1. How postgraduate researchers become Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs)
  2. A case study on frequently asked HR questions in relation to Graduate Teaching Assistants
  3. Training GTAs
  4. Career development for GTAs

Please note that all participants should come prepared to discuss their own institutional approaches to these issues. There will be two breakout sessions in which participants will be asked to share their current challenges in supporting PGRs who teach, and to find out whether there is a demand for further opportunities to develop inter-institutional support for GTAs

Session Leads

  • Dr Senthila Quirke

    Senior Lecturer — Academic Development (Education) | Brunel University, London
  • Dr Alex Standen

    Head, Academic Development, Eden Centre for Education Enhancement | The London School of Economics and Political Science