Doctoral Deans & Directors’ Network Discussion Session
The PRES (Postgraduate Research Experience Survey) is used by UK higher education institutions to hear the voice of postgraduate researchers. Join us at this online event to hear an update on PRES from Jonathan Neves, Head of Business Intelligence & Surveys, Advance HE.
Since 2017, PRES has been run annually, rather than every two years. This is an opportunity to hear from Jonathan Neves, Head of Business Intelligence & Surveys at Advance HE, about the context and workings of the survey. Aimed at Doctoral Deans and Directors (and those in similar roles), there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion to help with the management of the survey.
This event is also a precursor to the Doctoral Deans and Directors Network Residential Workshop taking place in York on February 27th and 28th. Details can be found here.
Session Opens
Session Closes
Session Leads
Dr. Nigel Eady
Director of Research Talent | King’s College London & co-Chair | Doctoral Deans & Directors Network- Network Discussion Lead
Dr Jane Wellens
Head of the Graduate School | Staffordshire University & co-Chair | Doctoral Deans & Directors Network- Network Discussion Lead
Jonathan Neves
Head of Business Intelligence & Surveys | Advance HE