
Please note that this event has been postponed. Details of when, and in what format, it will be rescheduled will be published soon.

Empowering Futures: Unveiling the Next Frontier in Postgraduate Researcher Admissions through a Competency-Based Model

  • Workshop
  • Recruitment & Admissions
19 Apr 2024 
Dryden Enterprise Centre — Nottingham Trent University
A diverse group of individuals gathered around a laptop, engaged in a discussion or collaboration.

This event provides the opportunity to join colleagues from HEIs across the UK, in person, to learn about a new, more inclusive approach to PGR admissions. The workshop offers the opportunity to find out more about the PGR Competency-Based Admissions Framework, its development and current pilot across three universities.

Download the PGR admissions framework

There will be time to think about how the framework might work in your own university, to identify barriers to inclusive admissions practices and to benefit from the collective experience in the room to find ways to overcome them. There will also be space to share other aspects of your own and your university’s practice in inclusive admissions and to hear about the work of others.


The PGR Competency-Based Admissions Framework was developed as part of the Equity in Doctoral Education through Partnership and Innovation (EDEPI) project.

EDEPI is an Office for Students/​Research England funded project that aims to widen access and participation in research for students from racially-minoritised groups. In partnership with the UK Council for Graduate Education, EDEPI has conducted a national survey to explore UK PGR admissions practices, identifying ten key barriers in PGR admissions for individuals from racially-minoritised groups.

Workshop Outline

In the morning, the session will present the findings of the national admissions survey and showcase the Competency-Based Admissions Framework. There will be facilitated discussion groups on framework implementation, the current challenges and opportunities for your university in exploring a competency-based approach to PGR admissions. A networking lunch will follow. In the afternoon, there will be practice-sharing on inclusive admissions and focused discussion on:

  1. What customs and practices need to change in the sector for PGR admissions to become more inclusive?
  2. What is the purpose of the application form, the referees reports and the interview in PGR admissions and how do their functions in the admissions process differ?
  3. What training and support is currently available for colleagues who play a role in PGR recruitment and admissions and what (if anything) is missing?
  4. What resources are currently available to support potential applicants to understand and navigate PGR admissions processes? 
  5. What work needs to be done at sector level to ensure PGR admissions are fair, open and equitable?

If you wish to provide feedback on the framework in advance of this event, please follow the link below:
Fill in the EDEPI survey »>

Subsidised Attendance

With thanks to funding from the EDEPI project we are happy to offer this event at a subsidised rate — with a small fee to cover catering costs.


This event will run from10am to 3pm.