Call for Presentation Absracts Now Closed
The call for presentation abstracts has now closed. Those who have submitted an abstract will be informed of the outcome of the review by the end of January.
The call for impact case study posters remains open.
9th International Conference on Professional & Practice Based Doctorates

The International Conference on Professional and Practice Doctorates, run in partnership with Middlesex University since 2009, is the leading event focusing on the development, provision and impact of professional, practice-based and practice-led doctorates in institutions across the globe.
The conference will include a wide variety of presentations, workshops, symposia and discussions centring around five key conference themes.
Conference Themes
- Technology and Innovation
- Protecting Creativity
- Social and Environmental Responsibilities
- Reimagining Doctorates
- Entrepreneurship
Keynote Presenters
Professor Carol Costley
Director, Work and Learning Research Centre | Middlesex University -
Professor Ashley Hall
Postgraduate Research Lead | Royal College of Art -
Professof Gina Wisker
Associate Professor, Management Strategy & Organisation | Universiy of Bath
Theme Descriptions
Technology and Innovation:
This theme includes ways in which the landscape of technology integration is changing. Examples of how digital tools and platforms can enhance doctoral research and professional development for example with the use of wifi, data and AI are welcome. The potential and challenges of AI both in terms of its doctoral study, as a subject discipline in its own right, in individual doctoral projects. Also its application/use in the doctoral study and theses production (e.g. flexible supervision approaches, access to resources, monitoring progress). How older and newer technologies are being leveraged to inform research.
Other topics could be related to data ethics and privacy in practice doctorates. The ethical consideration around using AI to gather, interpret and disseminate research. Are there different approaches to ethical considerations in collecting, analysing, and interpreting data in professional and practice-based doctoral research?
Protecting creativity:
This theme explores ways to lead and protect creativity in professional and practice-based doctorates through developing research strategies, practice-based methodologies and new research methods for practice-based design research. How to use the research strategies from creative fields in a range of subject disciplines. The approach to coming together and connecting organically. How can creativity help with Inter‑, trans- and cross-disciplinarity?
Social and Environmental Responsibilities:
This theme investigates the significance of social and environmental responsibilities in professional and practice-based doctoral research. What is the role of sustainability, circularity, social and environmental responsibilities in the context of professional and practice-based doctoral journeys? What potential challenges may arise when conducting socially and environmentally responsible professional and practice-based research in the Arts, Sciences and Humanities? What strategies can be used to evaluate social and environmental impact and make a positive difference to the social and economic well-being of the wider community through research. Using research findings to influence government policy, work with industry and change society.
Reimagining Doctorates:
This theme is aiming to discuss transforming traditional doctoral programmes to better align with contemporary societal needs and professional landscapes. What will doctoral education look like in the future? What are the key opportunities and challenges of doctoral education in the future? This includes insights into EDI, collaboration, structure and process and doctoral education. How Professional Doctorate and Practice Based Doctorate can follow diverse career pathways beyond academia. How can reimagining doctorates equip candidates with skills, innovation, remind relevance and be impactful in a changing world? How intersectional thinking is an inclusive way of looking at diversity and innovation in doctoral education.
What role do entrepreneurship and innovation play in advancing professional and practice-based doctoral research and education? How does exploring what professional and practice-based doctoral education will look like in the future determine the impact and value, given that this can involve changes to national or local practice, institutional practice or the practice of individual doctoral candidates? How to integrate theoretical insights with hands-on experience to lead to transformative initiatives, sustainable solutions and contribute to the advancement of theory and practice?
PGRs and Call for Impact Case Studies
The conference organising committee would like to encourage Post Graduate Researchers (PGRs) to participate in the conference and are keen to highlight the reduced price of £100 for the full conference fee (student ID number is required to take advantage of this price).
PGRs can submit an abstract, that explains their doctoral work as a case study that shows impact in an area of practice-research demonstrating change and innovation in real world research and development. The impact case study can include artefacts and can be a presented as poster or an other of the presentation formats (above) linking the work to the themes of the conference.
These impact case-studies have featured as part of the conference since 2016 and an archive of submissions from previous conferences can be found here.
To submit an impact case study please complete this form.
Inclusivity at UKCGE events
Everyone involved in the conference should be able to enjoy it and benefit from attending, whether they are an organiser, supporter, presenter or audience member. Those who are most affected by prejudice, micro-aggressions or abuse of power are often those who face other systemic barriers relating to their race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, gender or (mental) health.
Ahead of the conference, we are asking everyone involved to think about how to promote inclusivity, and to play their role in actioning change. We want a conference which is safer, more accessible, more inclusive, and convivial, not just for those who already experience these spaces as comfortable or welcoming, but for everyone. We all have a role to play in challenging and changing the environment around supporting access for all. Participation in the conference is conditional on behaving in accordance with UKCGE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion ethos in ways that are fair, collegiate, caring, equitable, inclusive, respectful, non-exploitative and anti-discriminatory.
15% Discount Off ICPPD & PRIDE Network Annual Conference
We are delighted to be working with our colleagues at the PRIDE network to offer a 15% discount for delegates to attend both the 9th International Conference on Professional & Practice Based Doctorates (ICPPD) and the 7th Annual PRIDE Conference. The PRIDE conference will also take place in London on 9th & 10th April 2025, in the same week as and immediately following ICPPD.
To take advtange of this offer please complete the following steps:
- Book your place for ICPPD on this page using the Promo Code UKCGExPRIDE2025 the 15% discount will be automatically applied to your booking.
- Once your ICPPD booking is complete visit the PRIDE Annual Conference page and select “Register Here”. Again please use the code UKCGExPRIDE2025 when completing the booking form.
Terms & Conditions
- The 15% discount applies to those booking to attend both the 9th International Conference on Professional & Practice Based Doctorates and the 7th Annual PRIDE Conference. Separate bookings for each event must be made via the websites for each event using the promo code for each booking
- To receive the discount the promo code must be used at the time of booking and cannot be applied retrospectively.
- The names and email addresses of those using the discount code will be shared between UKCGE and PRIDE to ensure that bookings have been made for both conferences.
- If an attendee using the booking code has only booked to attend one of the events, and not both, they will be required to do one of the following:
a) Make a booking for the other event at the earliest opportunity.
b) Pay the difference between the discounted and full rates for the event they are booked to attend.
c) Cancel their place at the booked event (standard cancellation rates will apply).
Failure to complete one of these actions may see their booking cancelled without refund. - For ICPPD the 15% discount applies to “Member — Full Conference”, “Non-member — Full Conference” and “Member — Single Day” tickets. The discount does not apply to “PGR/Student” tickets, nor to tickets to attend the Conference Dinner.
- This offer cannot be used in collaboration with any other offer.
- The terms and conditions of booking for each event are otherwise unaffected.