Programme Launched

8th International Conference on Professional & Practice Based Doctorates

Authentic and Transformative Learning in Practice-based Doctoral Education
  • Conference
  • Professional & Practice-Based Doctorates
30 — 31 Mar 2023 
York Racecourse

The International Conference on Professional and Practice Doctorates, run in partnership with Middlesex University since 2009, is the leading event focusing on the development, provision and impact of professional, practice-based and practice-led doctorates in institutions across the globe. The 8th conference in the series will, for the first time since 2018, be a face-to-face event allowing once again for opportunities to network with colleagues from around the world.

Research knowledge is accommodating a greater practice-oriented view through adoption of practice theory and the role of researching professionals. This has led to developments in doctoral curricula and is having an impact on both academic and professional practices. The purposes of professional and practice-led doctorates are often the mediating factor for the content and facilitation of doctoral curricular and pedagogy for often part-time, mature practitioners.

As we look towards a new curriculum and pedagogy of doctoral research that has a practice focus it is noted that researching practitioners and artists have brought about innovative thinking in relation to learning from practice. Insight into the work of artists and practitioners who draw upon pre-existing expertise as the focus for more emergent practice learning is now manifest. Concentration on a pedagogy of practice and change, often incorporating a range of disciplines, underpins what may be considered as a curriculum of transformation. 

The whole character of a planned learning experience that is appropriate for studies aiming to develop practitioners is open to debate. Modes of study including distance, work-based, and blended learning, and support patterns such as residential weekends and more conventional individual support processes are used to both meet candidate needs and enhance authentic learning. This conference aims to focus on how curricula and pedagogies in professional and practice based doctorates uses authentic learning strategies to promote transformations in people, professional practice and the real world contexts in which these researchers practise.

Transformation in doctoral curricular have come about because some candidates demonstrate motives for pursuing a doctorate to develop themselves personally and their profession rather than, for example, to become an academic in their field. They may have a key focus on positive workplace reform or they may wish to developpofessionality.. These purposes and outcomes have implications for doctoral curricula that have brought about developments in doctoral programmes that are based on practitioner research activities. For example, methodological approaches to research have become more practice-based, with more attention paid to developing practical, real-time recommendations not just for further research but also for practice, and these approaches can be argued to promote authentic learning experiences.Managing new approaches also needs consideration, for example, progression and completion are long-term concerns in doctoral education and professional and practice-led doctorates have particular needs related to them being largely work-based and part-time. 

As the provider of doctoral education, universities have the main influence on doctoral curricula and pedagogy. There are influences such as national policies e.g. in 2003 the quality assurance agency in the UK added the guideline that doctoral students should have an element of work-related readiness in their research training, and in 2015 the Norwegian education department added more flexibility to the way doctorates could be run that included more work-related knowledge categories. Within universities and within different subject areas there may be different emphases on creativity and innovation and its relationship with knowledge and practice. Quality Assurance and procedural factors- often still surround the more historic versions of a PhD especially in countries that only accept PhDs as a doctoral route. Finally, there is an historic preconception regarding the value of a focus on practice which entails a theory/​practice binary that demonstrates socio-political implications of doctoral curriculum and pedagogy.


The following outlines some areas of interest related to authentic and transformational learning within the six themes that the conference focuses on.

Practice-based Approaches and Methods
These are becoming well developed (e.g. curriculum frameworks for practicing professionals). Personal engagement is a pivotal notion re researching professionals.
The various pedagogic approaches used and their impact on the student experience, learning processes and outcomes. Evaluation studies arising from practice and/​or research that situate results in the literature, or more conceptual explorations of teaching and learning practices appropriate to professional doctorates are welcome. This theme also aims to explore the development needs of those who facilitate this kind of learning. The theme includes:

  • Distance/​online learning; global learning communities.
  • Strategies for effective formal and informal assessment
  • Strategies for developing internal and external Research Supervisors/​Advisers
  • Studies of progression and completion
  • Implications for programme delivery of differing modes of study and learning: part-time, distance, work-based, blended learning
  • Innovative support networks

Sustainability and the Environment
Issues of global concern about the world’s environment, such as pressures of population growth, environmental pollution and climate change are becoming recognised as significant to the survival of human society. These are highlighted in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Professional and practice based research isleading to a better understanding of the need to redefine the role of the scientific and industrial professional communities in addressing these issues. Multi, inter and transdisciplinary approaches to researching these areas have been found helpful. Also, transdisciplinary research had its real research birth in environmental studies that focused on practices. Papers on how disciplines can work together to solve environmental issues would be welcome, as would those that focus on effective methodologies.This conference theme will provide an opportunity for participants to contribute to the debate on sustainable development, offer suitable solutions relevant to all walks of life, and explore the authentic learning and transformational elements of the research processes that supported these developments. 

Post graduate research (PGR) that prioritises practice and often recommendations for change in practices, presents students with worldly problems that relate to communities and wider social issues such as inclusion. Such actions urge them to analyse how and why those problems exist which in turn can empower people to question their conditions by furthering interchange, trust, and critical thinking with those who are in dialogue together. Dialogue consists of both thoughts and concrete actions concurrently, a praxis of cooperation, unity, organization, and cultural synthesis. We ask how the student voice can be included in curriculum developments and what a commitment to significant social change can be in the PGR community.

The recent Pandemic has changed practices, for example, by considerations off resilience, student welfare and digitalisation. The international sharing of practices through networks and conferences offers a variety of approaches and methods, alternative philosophical standpoints, and the inclusion of different knowledges.

Papers that cover the recent Office for Students funding re PGR BAME students and any other aspects of inclusivity that relate to doctoral researchers as well as an intersectional approach that allows for multiple identities, are welcome.

Digital and Online Learning
These forms of learning have long been available but have come to the fore during the Covid pandemic as they have been able to continue in the face of lock-downs, isolation and quarantine. While much work had already been done to develop authentic online learning, the pandemic provided the need for teachers to review how to maintain authenticity with this mode of delivery. PD candidates can learn from a variety of sources, not least their own workplaces, and from the research undertaken within them. This confers a high level of authenticity to the learning experience, but candidates were often removed from their normal place or work, and the practice scenarios they would normally inhabit. Supervision to support learning may have been in the art studio, laboratory or campus, but now needed to be remote, running alongside candidates’ new experiences of working and learning independently.

Papers in this theme may consider the effect of using or changing to online learning on the research process, and the candidate experience of or opportunities for transformative learning. Alternatively, they may consider the role of online communication in practice doctorates between candidate and supervisor, or between the range of stakeholders involved in the research process. Some practice doctorates are delivered entirely online; papers reporting on research that considers how authentic and transformative learning occurs here would also be welcome.

Values and Ethics

This theme is concerned with the values underlying practice based doctoral education and may include for example the institutional and professional codes of practice and declarations that underpin research practice, analysis, findings and dissemination. Such values may be espoused in organisational and institutional policy documents intended to guide research practice. However, with increased economic and social pressures on researchers, academics and research communities, there can be a consideration of the centrality of practice to researcher values. Ethics understanding is a key foundation for those involved in practice-oriented research, to ensure protection of the researched in terms of equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI), and how effectively it is incorporated into learning.

This theme also involves consideration of the ethics of whom is setting the research agenda and conducting practice research, and the effort that is taken to ensure a varied community of researchers. For example, diversity of researchers should include representation from Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic people of any gender identity.
Papers in this theme are encouraged to explore and critically appraise individuals, institutions and organisations in taking robust actions to enshrine stated values and ethics for practice doctorates.

Leadership in HE
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has offered unprecedented changes and tremendous challenges for the leadership of higher education.. As a consequence , questions have been raised about changes in the nature of the context in which students work and research. We askwhat works and what does not work in the ways of supporting the different skill sets for doctoral researchers after the pandemic and how Leadership could play a significant part in required change. The challenge for those involved in leadership in organisational change after the pandemic is that the past is implicit and largely forgotten or at best misrepresented in the race towards unknown futures . This theme seeks to develop a dialogue concerning different interpretations about time, change and leadership with a focus on doctoral education. Boththeoretical and empirical papers are invited that explore topics such as:

  • The reconceptualization of leadership in HE
  • Reimagining doctoral research in practice
  • Comparisons across sectors and nations
  • Reflection to what works and what does not work in changing the impact/​role of practice in HE research programmes.

Confirmed Keynote Presenters

  • Professor Catherine Manathunga

    Professor of Education Research & Deputy Head of School (Research) | The University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC), Australia
    • Decolonising practice-based doctorates: foregrounding transformative approaches to cultural inclusion
  • Sónia Cardoso

    Associate Professor | Lusófona University, Portugal
    • The transformation and orientation of doctoral education towards practise and professional contexts
  • Dr Inma Alvarez

    Director of Postgraduate Research Studies, Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies | The Open University
    • Flips, flops and pivots: meditations on professional doctorate programmes in action

Conference Themes

  1. Practice-based Approaches and Methods
  2. Sustainability and the Environment
  3. Inclusion
  4. Digital and Online Learning
  5. Values and Ethics
  6. Leadership in HE


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Registration with Tea & Coffee

35 mins 

Conference Welcome & Introduction

Prof Carol Costley — Middlesex University, UK & Chair ICPPD Steering Committee

15 mins 

Keynote Presentation — Decolonising practice-based doctorates: foregrounding transformative approaches to cultural inclusion

Professor Catherine Manathunga

Professor of Education Research & Deputy Head of School (Research) | The University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC), Australia

Download Presentation

40 mins 


5 mins 

Option 1: Oral Presentation — Reconciliations: Post Graduate Researchers navigating professional learning and personal development

Dr Carol Azumah Dennis, Dr Fiona 
Aubrey-Smith, Dr Inma Alvarez, Dr Philippa Waterhouse & Dr Gillian Ferguson — The Open University, UK

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods
Secondary theme: Leadership in HE

30 mins 

Option 2: Oral Presentation — A Practice-led Model of Impact for Professional Practice Doctorates.

Prof Samuel Mann, Phil Osborne, Prof Richard 
Mitchell, Prof Jo Kirkwood & Dr Henk Roodt — Te Pūkenga, New Zealand

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods

Download Presentation

30 mins 


20 mins 

Option 1: Small Group Discussions

* Each discussion will last 30 mins and take place twice, allowing delegates to attend 2 different discussions. This session will continue until 11:05.

65 mins 
  1. A

    In the (Zoom) Room Where it Happens — Advancing Student Progress with Online Committee Engagement

    Dr Patricia Henry — Touro University Nevada, USA

    Primary theme: Digital and Online 
    Secondary theme: Practice-based 
    Approaches and Methods 

  2. B

    Including practitioner lecturers into academic research careers

    Dr Gráinne Barkess & Vani Naik — Edinburgh Napier University, UK

    Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods
    Secondary theme: Inclusion 

  3. C

    What works and what does not work for leading doctor in practice in crisis time?

    Dr Hala Mansour — University of Northampton, UK

    Primary theme: Leadership in HE
    Secondary theme: Values and Ethics 

  4. D

    Using Q methodology for Dissertations of Practice

    Dr James Bartlett & Dr Michelle Bartlett — NC State University, USA

    Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods
    Secondary theme: Leadership in HE 

  5. E

    Mapping Communities of Professional Practice Researchers

    Prof Samuel Mann — Otago Polytechnic Te Pūkenga, New Zealand

    Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods
    Secondary theme: Leadership in HE 

  6. F

    Internationalisation of HE and leadership capabilities: A systematic review and research agenda

    Tiju Kodiyat — University of Northampton / University of Buckingham, UK

    Primary theme: Leadership in HE


Option 2: Workshop — Autobiography versus Autoethnography as Praxis Based Methodologies

Prof Catherine Hayes, Dr Linda Barkas, John Fulton & Dr Kim Gilligan — University of Sunderland, UK

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods

Download Presentation

65 mins 


5 mins 

Keynote Panel Discussion — The Experiences of Professional & Practice Based Doctoral Candidates

Viktorija Kielė — Turku University, Finland / Vilnius University, Lithuania (Presentation)

Tiju Kodiyat — University of Northampton / University of Buckingham, UK

Prerna Kumari — University of Northampton, UK

Noella Lynch-Edghill — Middlesex University, UK

35 mins 


60 mins 

Option 1: Oral Presentation — Transforming Identities: Doctoral students journey from practitioner-scholar to scholar-practitioner

Dr Stephen Pape, Camille Bryant, Dr Ranjini Mahinda JohnBull & Dr Karen Karp — Johns Hopkins University, USA

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods
Secondary theme: Inclusion 

Download Presentation

30 mins 

Option 2: Oral Presentation — Insider Research Experiences Within a Professional Doctoral Study

Dr Deborah Bell — University of Sunderland, UK

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods

30 mins 


5 mins 

Option 1: Oral Presentation — Becoming With: Extraordinary Ways of Being and Doing Postqualitative Supervision

Dr Kieran Sheehan, Dr Jane Chambers & Assoc Prof Christine Edward-leis — St. Marys University, UK

Prof Pamela Burnard — Cambridge University, UK

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods
Secondary theme: Values and Ethics 

30 mins 

Option 2: Oral Presentation — PhD by Portfolio: creating a new doctoral pathway for researching professionals

Dr Clive Palmer — University of Central Lancashire, UK

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods

Download Presentation

30 mins 


20 mins 

Option 1: Oral Presentation — The learner journey’ & delivery of Professional Doctorate programmes within a Welsh University

Dr Susan Davis, Prof John Littlewood & Kieran Hodgkin — Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods
Secondary theme: Leadership in HE 

Download Presentation

30 mins 

Option 2: Oral Presentation — Supporting the integration of work-placement in Doctoral Pathways

Dr Stephen Cassidy, Prof Irene Sheridan & Laura O’Donovan — Munster Technological University, Ireland

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods

Download Presentation

30 mins 


5 mins 

Keynote Presentation — Flips, flops and pivots: meditations on professional doctorate programmes in action

Dr Inma Alvarez

Director of Postgraduate Research Studies | The Open University 

Download Presentation

40 mins 

Close Day 1



The conference dinner will take place as part of a sightseeing cruise on board City Cruises’ Captain James Cook. The cruise departs from King’s Staith Landing, York, YO1 9SN 

15 mins 

Cruise Departs

Buffet dinner served during the cruise

180 mins 

Registration with Tea & Coffee

10 mins 

Morning Update

5 mins 

Keynote Presentation — The transformation and orientation of doctoral education towards practise and professional contexts

Sónia Cardoso

Associate Professor | Lusófona University, Portugal 

Download Presentation

40 mins 


5 mins 

Option 1: Oral Presentation — Writing Theses Differently: Departures in Academic Writing in Doctoral Education

Prof Pamela Burnard & Prof Tatjana Dragovic — University of Cambridge, UK

Dr Kieran Sheehan — University of St. Marys, UK

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods
Secondary theme: Values and Ethics 

Download Presentation

30 mins 

Option 2: Presentation Cancelled

Cancelled — Perspective Transformation for Postgraduates: A Case Study from Taught Doctoral Pedagogy

Prof Catherine Hayes — University of Sunderland, UK

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods

60 mins 


20 mins 

Option 1: Oral Presentation — A professional doctorate with purpose in mind: creating an identity workspace for DBA candidates

Dr Hazel Messenger — London Metropolitan University, UK

Primary theme: Values and Ethics
Secondary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods 

Download Presentation

30 mins 

Option 2: Oral Presentation — PhD Employability: Identification of Constructs and Relationships Based on Transversal Skills

Debashish Roy, Dr Ercilia García-Álvarez & Dr María Dolores Jiménez López — University of Rovira i Virgili, Spain

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods

Download Presentation

30 mins 


5 mins 

Option 1: Oral Presentation — Decolonising the Professional Practice Doctorate — a 4th Generation?

Dr Mawera Karetai — Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, New Zealand

Prof Samuel Mann & Dr Adrian Woodhouse — Otago Polytechnic, Te Pūkenga, New Zealand

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods
Secondary theme: Inclusion 

Download Presentation

30 mins 

Option 2: Oral Presentation — UKCGE Supervisor Recognition Programme: new frameworks to promote doctoral supervision

Dr Clive Palmer — University of Central Lancashire, UK

Dr Chris Hughes — Graduate School, Edge Hill 
University, UK

Download Presentation

30 mins 


5 mins 

Plenary Discussion Session — Emerging Issues

led by Dr Kate Maguire—Middlesex University, UK

40 mins 


60 mins 

Option 1a: Oral Presentation — Call and Response: Inclusive approaches to supervision

Dr Christine Edwards-Leis — St Mary’s University, UK

Dr Julie Spencer – ArtsEd, UK

Primary theme: Inclusion

Download Presentation

30 mins 

Option 2a: Oral Presentation — After we fell in love: the complexity of the doctorate experience

Prof Elaine Hall & Dr Elaine Gregersen — Northumbria University, UK

Rory O’Boyle — Law Society of Ireland, Ireland

Primary theme: Inclusion
Secondary theme: Values and Ethics 

Download Presentation

30 mins 

Option 2: Workshop — Transdisciplinary Practice: being, doing, knowing

Dr David Adams & Dr Kate Maguire — Middlesex 
University, UK

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods

Download Presentation

65 mins 


20 mins 

Option 1: Oral Presentation — The final year: supervision experiences of professional doctorate students

Dr Mark Price — St Mary’s University, Twickenham, UK

Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods

30 mins 

20:20 Presentations

These presentations will be based on Impact Case Studies displayed during the conference. Each presentation will use 20 slides, with each slide being shown for no more than 20 seconds.

30 mins 
  1. A

    EduCompNurs: New Understanding of Educational Component in Nursing

    Viktorija Kielė & Natalja Istomina ‑Vilnius University, Lithuania

    Sanna Koskinen, Helena Leino-Kilpi — Turku University, Finland

    Primary theme: Practice-based 
    Approaches and Methods

    Download Presentation

  2. B

    Dual system in Italy and German in education

    Placido Antonio Sangiorgio — Università degli Studi di Siena, Italy

    Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods

  3. C

    Title TBC

    Dr Othman Alyafei — University of Northampton, UK

    Primary theme: Practice-based Approaches and Methods



5 mins 

Plenary Session — Conference Closing Summary


20 mins 

Close & Departure

Call for Impact Case Studies

Submit an Abstract

The general call for papers to this conference has now closed. However submissions of Impact Case Studies are still being accepted. These case studies should demonstrate the impact of research understaken by professional and practice-based doctoral candidates as part of thier work towards their doctorate. 

Impact Poster Case Studies’ have been a key inclusion at the conference over the years. If you would like to submit an Impact Case Study please use the form below — those abstracts selected will be displayed as posters at the conference, with a digital version of the posters added to the growing Impact Case Study archive, which can be found here.


York Racecourse is located just outside the centre of York.

For a map and directions to the venue click here.

For further travel details please click here.


York has a good selection of hotel options available as it is a relatively small city and the conference venue is located approximately a mile from the city centre, any city centre hotel will have good access to the conference either by public transport or taxi/​Uber.

For information, the conference organising committee and staff will be staying at the Elmbank Hotel, this is less than 1 mile from the venue (and a pleasant walk if the weather is decent). Other suggestions (depending on budget) are Hotel Du Vin, Hampton by Hilton or Premier Inn.

Inclusivity at ICPPD

Everyone involved in the conference should be able to enjoy it and benefit from attending, whether they are an organiser, supporter, presenter or audience member. Those who are most affected by prejudice, micro-aggressions or abuse of power are often those who face other systemic barriers relating to their race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, gender or (mental) health. 

Ahead of the conference, we are asking everyone involved to think about how to promote inclusivity, and to play their role in actioning change. We want a conference which is safer, more accessible, more inclusive, and convivial, not just for those who already experience these spaces as comfortable or welcoming, but for everyone. We all have a role to play in challenging and changing the environment around in supporting access for all. Participation in the conference is conditional on behaving in accordance with UKCGE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion ethos in ways that are fair, collegiate, caring, equitable, inclusive, respectful, non-exploitative and anti-discriminatory.