Call for Presentations Now Open

Deadline 20th September 2024

2nd UKCGE Conference on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in PG Research

Race and Ethnicity in PGR
  • Conference
  • Widening Participation & EDI
14 — 15 Nov 2024 
Leonardo Hotel Waterfront, Brighton

Greater diversity in postgraduate research benefits everybody. It generates work that reflects current society more accurately and is fundamental to our understanding of universities as public institutions. Ensuring inclusivity in postgraduate education is at the heart of furthering our economic, scientific and social progress.

Following a highly successful meeting in Sheffield in 2023, the 2nd UKCGE Conference on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in PG Research, will have a particular focus on improving access to, and participation in, postgraduate research for Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups. 

At the end you will feel more connected to issues of diversity in the sector and understand how they impact on research. There will be opportunities to exchange information on what has been learned so far, enabling you to tackle bias in the postgraduate research environment with greater confidence. There will also be opportunities to network with your peers.

Although the primary focus will be race and ethnicity, we will also consider the interconnected nature of these social categorisations and how they are related to other examples of discrimination and disadvantage. We welcome contributions that address race from different angles – from the perspective of mental health, for example, or in tandem with gender discrimination. 

We welcome attendance and contributions from postgraduate researchers (please note in the booking section, there is a reduced ticket rate for PGR delegates).

Conference Themes

  1. Admissions and recruitment
  2. Building communities
  3. Effective practices in coaching and mentoring
  4. Equality after the doctorate; employability
  5. Learning from global approaches
  6. Research funding
  7. Supervisor relationships
  8. Tackling bias and privilege
  9. The uses of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion — including how it’s defined and measured

Call for Presentations

Submit an Abstract

Please click the link below to submit an abstract (300-words) which should reflect one of the conference themes listed above.

Papers will be presented in one of the following formats:

  • Oral presentation: 30 minute session — includes time for questions/​discussion
  • Workshop: 60 minute session — this should include a significant amount of delegate interaction
  • Symposium: 60 minute session — A series of three thematically linked presentations (each lasting 15 minutes) with an open discussion at the end of the session. NB Authors who would like to propose a symposium should note that symposia featuring presenters from a variety of institutions are preferred.
  • Small group discussion: 30 minute discussion session — the suggested format is to have a 10-minute introduction with the remaining time set aside for discussion
  • 20:20 presentation: 20 slides being shown for no more than 20 seconds each followed by a brief time for questions
Closing date: 20 September 2024 

Inclusivity at UKCGE events

Everyone involved in the conference should be able to enjoy it and benefit from attending, whether they are an organiser, supporter, presenter or audience member. Those who are most affected by prejudice, micro-aggressions or abuse of power are often those who face other systemic barriers relating to their race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, gender or (mental) health.

Ahead of the conference, we are asking everyone involved to think about how to promote inclusivity, and to play their role in actioning change. We want a conference which is safer, more accessible, more inclusive, and convivial, not just for those who already experience these spaces as comfortable or welcoming, but for everyone. We all have a role to play in challenging and changing the environment around supporting access for all. Participation in the conference is conditional on behaving in accordance with UKCGE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion ethos in ways that are fair, collegiate, caring, equitable, inclusive, respectful, non-exploitative and anti-discriminatory.

Book Your Place

Check your institution to see if you’re eligible for a member rate